Students learn more when there are less distractions, therefore while we do allow classes to be observed, we ask that you please do your best to keep distractions and noise level to a minimum. We ask anyone not registered to participate or try the class to observe from the lobby through the observation windows. If there is an issue, too many distractions, or high noise level, we do reserve the right to ask you to please not stay to observe class.
Each student is required to maintain regular attendance, as each student is important to the entire class. Please notify the studio if your child will be absent for more than 2 consecutive classes. There are no refunds for missed classes; however, missed classes can be made up.
Please arrive on time or a few minutes early! Dancers must be warmed up properly to dance safely. Any dancer arriving more than 15 minutes late may have to sit and watch rather than take class. This is not a punishment, but a safety issue as dancers may be injured if they take class without being warmed up. In addition, dancers without proper dance attire or appropriate hair may have to sit and watch. Again, not as a punishment, but a safety issue. Please see our “Studio Dress Code” below for information on proper attire for your dancer’s class.
Payment Policies:
A yearly registration fee of $25.00 is due each September. Each new student enrolled from then on, September through August 31st, is required to pay this registration fee. Renewal Registration fees, begin again the following September 1st (with Fall Session).
Our Tuition is based on a 9 week session. The September – June school year is divided into 4 Tuition Sessions, and Summer Session is in end of June- end of August. Tuition for each 9 week session is due two weeks prior to the Session beginning, or at the time of registration, and if not paid by the first date of the session, a late fee of $15.00 may be applied. If this option is requested, you will be asked to read and sign our Monthly Payment Plan Agreement. Monthly payments are for tuition only, costume fees must be paid upfront. Any late payments will void the agreement, and the balance will be due in full. Method of payments include Cash, Check (payable to Legacy Ballet), and Visa, Mastercard, Discover or Amex.
Once a dancer is registered for the school year, we consider them enrolled through the end of Session IV in June unless we are notified otherwise. To drop a class, we ask that you do please notify us in writing or by email as soon as possible so that we may update our records and allow another student to enroll in the class. Summer Session is considered a separate session; however if you are continuing from the Fall-Spring Sessions you do not owe a separate registration fee for summer.
Please remember, if you decide to drop a class, and are still in the process of your monthly payment plan, or for some reason have a balance due, you are still responsible for the balance due for the remainder of the current session and any past balance not yet paid. You will be billed for the balance due, with any late fees and/or interest until your account is paid in full. Prorating of tuition is only allowed when starting a class mid-session, not for the purpose of dropping a class prior to the end of a session.
***If payment becomes an issue, we reserve the right to ask your dancer to not participate in class until payment is received.***
Questions regarding our policies can be emailed to
Studio Dress Code:
All classes: Our Dress Code is based on maximizing the range of movement of the student as well as the ability of the instructor to be able to see body alignment and/or spot safely for tumbling. No bare mid-riff during class. Appropriate cover-up attire to be worn to and from the studio. Long Hair must ALWAYS be pulled back in some fashion for class as loose hair can cause safety issues in tumbling and is not ideal for teaching turning technique in dance classes. If students are repeatedly dressed inappropriately for classes (such as jeans, or hair down all the time), they will asked to not participate until they have the correct attire.
Ballet class: Pink tights, black or pink leotard, pink ballet shoes. Hair must be placed in a bun OR Black tights, black dance shorts, white t-shirt, black ballet shoes. Nude leotards are for under costumes only, not regular class attire.
Jazz class: Black jazz pants, t- shirt or leotard, black jazz shoes.
Hip Hop: Pants, t-shirt, clean tennis shoes or dance sneakers.
Contemporary: Black Leotard, black leggings or jazz pants or dance shorts, bare feet, or dance paws.
Tap: Leotard, tights and skirt, or pants with ankles viewable and a t-shirt, tap shoes
Tumbling: Leotard or tight tank top, tight stretch shorts, bare feet. No loose clothing. Hair pulled back into a ponytail or braids/bun if long enough to touch the floor while tumbling.
Fall 2024- Spring 2025 Tuition Sessions:
Session I 2024-2025: September 9th, 2024- November 10th, 2024
Session II 2024-2025: November 11th, 2024 – January 26th, 2025
Session III 2024-2025: January 27th, 2025 – April 6th, 2025
Session IV 2024-2025: April 7th, 2025 – June 15th, 2025
Recital 2025 Dates: June 13th 7pm and June 14th 2pm and 7pm
Summer Session 2024: July 8th- August 24th, 2024
Click the Fall 2024- Spring 2025 or Summer 2024 tab to the left to see the schedule!
Holiday Closures:
Thanksgiving: November 28th – December 1st
Winter Break**: December 23rd – January 5th**
Spring Break**: March 24th – March 30th**
Memorial Day: May 26th
Independence Day: July 4th
**These dates are not included in the 9 week tuition session and do not need to be made up.